Repas principaux

Salade de chou-fleur grillé, pois chiches, pommes et noix de Grenoble

Grilled Cauliflower, Chickpea, Apple and Walnut...

Preparation time : 10Cooking time : 10

Grilled Cauliflower, Chickpea, Apple and Walnut...

Preparation time : 10Cooking time : 10

Un dahl de pois jaunes

A dahl of yellow peas

Preparation time : 15Cooking time : 45

A dahl of yellow peas

Preparation time : 15Cooking time : 45

Soupe aux pois jaunes réconfortantes

Comforting Yellow Pea Soup

Preparation time : 10Cooking time : 60

Comforting Yellow Pea Soup

Preparation time : 10Cooking time : 60

Pâtes à la sauce crémeuse de pois chiches et légumes

Pasta with creamy chickpea and vegetable sauce

Preparation time : 15Cooking time : 25

Pasta with creamy chickpea and vegetable sauce

Preparation time : 15Cooking time : 25

Salade grecque aux pois chiches

Salade grecque aux pois chiches

Preparation time : 15Cooking time : 0

Salade grecque aux pois chiches

Preparation time : 15Cooking time : 0

Gratin de courge spaghetti et sauce tomate aux pois chiches

Spaghetti squash gratin with tomato and chickpe...

Preparation time : 10 Cooking time : 45

Spaghetti squash gratin with tomato and chickpe...

Preparation time : 10 Cooking time : 45