
Burritos déjeuner aux oeufs, haricots rouges et coriandre

Breakfast burritos with eggs, red beans and cil...

Preparation time : 5Cooking time : 15

Breakfast burritos with eggs, red beans and cil...

Preparation time : 5Cooking time : 15

Muffins protéinés aux pois chiches, carottes et bananes

Protein muffins with chickpeas, carrots and ban...

Preparation time : 20 Cooking time : 25

Protein muffins with chickpeas, carrots and ban...

Preparation time : 20 Cooking time : 25

Brownies décadent aux haricots (végane)

Decadent Bean Brownies (Vegan)

Preparation time : 5 Cooking time : 40

Decadent Bean Brownies (Vegan)

Preparation time : 5 Cooking time : 40

Omelette aux haricots rouges, épinards et maïs

Omelette with red beans, spinach and corn

Preparation time : 10  Cooking time : 10

Omelette with red beans, spinach and corn

Preparation time : 10  Cooking time : 10

Brownies décadent aux haricots

Decadent Bean Brownies

Preparation time : 10 Cooking time : 30

Decadent Bean Brownies

Preparation time : 10 Cooking time : 30