Repas principaux

Casserole de tomates, pois jaunes et fines herbes

Tomato, yellow pea and herb casserole

Preparation time : 5Cooking time : 30

Tomato, yellow pea and herb casserole

Preparation time : 5Cooking time : 30

Frittata aux haricots noirs, épinards et lime

Black Bean, Spinach and Lime Frittata

Cooking time : 30Preparation time : 15

Black Bean, Spinach and Lime Frittata

Cooking time : 30Preparation time : 15

Cari de pois chiches aux épinards

Chickpea curry with spinach

Preparation time : 15 Cooking time : 30  

Chickpea curry with spinach

Preparation time : 15 Cooking time : 30  

Pétoncles poêlés avec purée de pois chiches et panais

Pan-fried scallops with chickpea and parsnip puree

Preparation time : 15Cooking time : 15

Pan-fried scallops with chickpea and parsnip puree

Preparation time : 15Cooking time : 15

Poivrons farcis aux haricots pinto gratinés

Stuffed Peppers with Baked Pinto Beans

Cooking time : 15Preparation time : 10

Stuffed Peppers with Baked Pinto Beans

Cooking time : 15Preparation time : 10

Soupe aux pois jaunes réconfortante avec bacon

Comforting Yellow Pea Soup with Bacon

Cooking time : 60Preparation time : 15

Comforting Yellow Pea Soup with Bacon

Cooking time : 60Preparation time : 15